Thursday, January 27, 2011

San Diego

Day 1 has ben AMAZING! I can't begin to say how much I am enjoying ths beautiful weather! Went for a great run today, got my Starbucks, and had a great wine, pizza, and salad lunch!

This trip already has me thinking! I need to do his more! I feel like I travel alot already, but this place just feels right! Maybe its my new home? Who knows....Just thoughts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Communication! This one word could describe my whole week! It has been work, school, and personal life.

Work - We don't communicate very well between eachother. Well I should say I communicate, but its not usually reciprocated back. BTW when did ASAP become the new, hey just really quick. The next time someone uses ASAP and its anything less than the end of the world, I will cause the end of the world with them!

School - Ugh...Why do I wait always to the last minute to communicate things out. I have 3 days till everything is due and have 5 days worth of work. Stupid me! Guess I have been easily distracted this week.

Personal - Home; What a week with the ex. Last night he kinda had this breaking point and communicated to me he was not on the same page of getting back together. He thought the seperation ment that we were taking a break, but did not include other people. I snapped back saying I broke up with him 3 months ago and hes living under my roof, and needs to move on. I can't wait till he is out of this place, I think my life will get much better.

Personal - Date; So last night was date to with lets call him LSU. Great time! Learned a lot; birthdays, college degrees, activities, blah! Went to see the movie No Stings Attached last night also. I really enjoyed the message last night. I see myself wanting this with someone, but me getting attached earlier than I should. I have a very addictive personality, and see myself as the type of person saying one thing and wanting another. I think at this point there will be a date 3, but I think boundries need to come up! I am not very good at this. Christ I have not been single in over 2 1/2 years, and I met Ex, right after my last breakup of 2 1/2 years. So 5 years.

God I think I just answered my own questions. Damn opening up about my life~

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holidays and Beyond

WoW! Week left till Christmas. 2 weeks left till new years! Where did 2010 go. As I sit a reflect on the last year (whole other post to come) I think, what do I want 2011 to be? As I read the book "Eat, Pray, Love" I remind myself to make the most of every day.

1st goal of 2011. Get rid of my baggage! I think I have too much holding me back to really explore and be ME! I feel limited in my ability to travel, date, explore, and meet new people.

2nd goal of 2011. TRAVEL! I have so much vacation time accruing right now. I think I am at 180 hours currently. I need to get out and see the world. I want to see different cultures, see different people, and really make a mark on the world.

3rd goal of 2011. NOT look for LOVE! I need to spend this year focusing on me. I will be 25 this year (SCARY) and its time I take some time for my needs. Not saying that if love comes my way I will reject, but I am not going to seek it. Boyfriends are sooo much work, and usualy drama. My theory is 3rd time is a charm. I want to do it right this time.

Thats it! I think the rest will fall into play based on me following those goals. 2011 Bring it on!

Friday, December 10, 2010


What is the purpose of a sign?

Some signs are more obvious than others when it comes to directing, informing, warning, or just keeping us on the right path. Why is it that dating never has signs as clear as above? When non obvious signs do arrive, why do we ignore them? SO many questions, yet I don't seem to have the answers. Guess thats why we learn from experiences.
This post is a follow up to my last post about "Social Meetings." I should have seen every sign coming, even the ones I did I should have walk, hiked, biked, drove, flew, swam, whatever to safety. The problem? Wasn't thinking! I am working on giving people the benefit of the doubt and not judging a book by its cover. Well all it got me was a massive hangover and a bill for dinner. From now on, I will be reading signs more carefully.

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Social Meeting"

OK, so the goal of writing so much might have to wait till I get done with the holidays! Damn overcommitments! So tonight I am going out on a....lets use the words "social meeeting." I feel that it makes it far less commitment, and besides still leaves me in a loop to only buy my meal right? I know I know you probably think I'm cheap, but its the holidays and we are in a recession so SUCK IT!

I have mixed feelings jumping into this "social meeting." First of all, Its been years since the last one, so I am a little rusty. Second, what happens after? So many possibilities, yet so few to choose from. Right now I am torn with even doing this because of my situation.

Yes, this deserves a WHOLE new paragraph. I am good with filler things, how do you think I passed all my college writting classes. I live with the EX, so okward when explaining where I am going all the time. (Can only go to the store so many times a week) I had a very good talk today with TT, (I don't like to name drop very often without permission) and she and I discussed that its ok, I was disconnected and over months ago. It just so happened this became offical last month. I think I deserve this....NO I DO deserve this. There also is the whole case of moving to Minneapolis for work and blah blah blah. (Thats for another post, possibly alcohol inspired)

Well its 6:30, and I have to be ready by 7. I am gonna go out and rock this town for my "social meeting." Look out SLC! In the words of Ryan W, (BFF) Ms. Jones is single and ready to mingle!

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Post

Wow...I have talked about doing this for years, just never to have seem to found the time to write. Well I'm Mitchell, Taurus, Opinionated, Educated, and always Smiling. I have been known to abuse the exclatmation point a time or two as well.

I am recently single (by choice) and looking forward to finding myself and trying to understand what I want out of life and define the man, husband, and father I want to be. My first goal in my new life is to write, it has been something that I have always enjoyed doing, but just never had the time to do. 5 days week is what I am setting forth with this blog. High expectations? I am always pushing myself to be the best, so I know I will do my best. I want this blog to be about my life, feelings, adventures, and overall thoughts. Pictures will be a must, and I promise not to embarress myself, family, friends, etc.

Enjoy whatever I write, YOU, the reader and don't judge!