Communication! This one word could describe my whole week! It has been work, school, and personal life.
Work - We don't communicate very well between eachother. Well I should say I communicate, but its not usually reciprocated back. BTW when did ASAP become the new, hey just really quick. The next time someone uses ASAP and its anything less than the end of the world, I will cause the end of the world with them!
School - Ugh...Why do I wait always to the last minute to communicate things out. I have 3 days till everything is due and have 5 days worth of work. Stupid me! Guess I have been easily distracted this week.
Personal - Home; What a week with the ex. Last night he kinda had this breaking point and communicated to me he was not on the same page of getting back together. He thought the seperation ment that we were taking a break, but did not include other people. I snapped back saying I broke up with him 3 months ago and hes living under my roof, and needs to move on. I can't wait till he is out of this place, I think my life will get much better.
Personal - Date; So last night was date to with lets call him LSU. Great time! Learned a lot; birthdays, college degrees, activities, blah! Went to see the movie No Stings Attached last night also. I really enjoyed the message last night. I see myself wanting this with someone, but me getting attached earlier than I should. I have a very addictive personality, and see myself as the type of person saying one thing and wanting another. I think at this point there will be a date 3, but I think boundries need to come up! I am not very good at this. Christ I have not been single in over 2 1/2 years, and I met Ex, right after my last breakup of 2 1/2 years. So 5 years.
God I think I just answered my own questions. Damn opening up about my life~
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